Physical Education

St Ambrose RC Primary School - PE Curriculum Intent

 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God.”(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

At St Ambrose, we reflect the National Curriculum aims:

  • Through the teaching of PE, we provide a high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sports and other physically demanding activities
  • Children are provided with opportunities to become physically confident, supporting their health and fitness.
  • Opportunities to compete in sports and other activities build character and help to embed values such as sportsmanship, fairness and respect.

In this subject:

At St Ambrose we aim to build progression of skills, knowledge and vocabulary through various activities and exposure to different sports. This is based on a PE curriculum that is an enhanced model of the Early Years Framework and the national curriculum with a clear progression structure from Early Years to Year 6. The progression of skills has been planned in order to build on the skills needed to meet the end of key stage objectives in the National Curriculum

PE at St Ambrose aims to develop confident, successful, and independent learners who can problem solve and experience sporting competition actively through the Manchester Sports Partnership competitions and activities aimed at every child’s level.  Through PE, enrichment activities, inter-school and intra-school competitions, the values gained, such as teamwork, self belief, respect, passion, honesty and determination support our children so they can go out into the world and impact transforming society.

We aim to raise aspirations and encourage those around us to be the best that they can be by inspiring our children to gain a love of sport, exercise and an awareness of living an active and healthy lifestyle and develop their own sportspersonal pride.

In God's family, we grow and learn in love, hope and faith.


Mr Warburton - PE

PE at St. Ambrose RC Primary School

At St. Ambrose RC Primary school, we aim to provide a high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive and other physically demanding activities. We provide opportunities for all children to become physically confident to support their health and fitness.

At St. Ambrose, we use Primary PE Passport as a learning scheme to support the delivery of the national curriculum across all year groups. An overview of the topics that will be taught can be found in the files section at the bottom of the page. 

Sports Premium Funding

The funding has been provided to promote and encourage children to participate in a range of physical activity both in and
out of school in order to prevent concerning statistics in relation to obesity from coming to fruition

The Sports Premium Funding document can be found at the bottom of this page.

Swimming at St. Ambrose

Children in Year 4 attend weekly swimming lessons to learn to swim and develop their water safety.  At the end of each academic year, schools must publish how many Year 6 children have met the national curriculum requirement of swimming and water safety. This information can be found in the 'Sports Premium, funding' document in the files section at the bottom of this page.

School Games



St Ambrose R.C Primary School has received the Gold School Games Mark and aims to reach Platinum by the end of the academic year 2023/24.

The School Games Mark recognises that St. Ambrose R.C Primary School is committed to Physical Education. In addition to curriculum PE, we offer a wide range of extracurricular clubs and the opportunity to take part in competitions at different levels. 




Sporting News

St Ambrose have acheived the Gold Award in the School Games Mark 2022/23


Third Year Running - St Ambrose will be aiming for the Platinum Award within the next few years.

13th best athletics team in whole of Greater Manchester in 2024 - WOW!!

Competition Section




We will now compete against the best schools in the Regional Level 3 Finals - OUR FIRST TIME EVER!! Very Proud of the children.

We are also representing Manchester in another Regional Finals after finishing 2nd in the Citywide Ten Pin Bowling event. What a year so far!! 

Here are just a few more of our images from our sporting events this year (2023/24). We will keep updating these weekly. 

KS1 Gymnasts
UKS2 Gymnasts
LKS2 Gymnasts
Dodgeball Inspire 2023/24 Winners  
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Basketball Inspire 23/24 Runners Up 
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Man Utd Tournament 23/24 Runners Up
Girls Excel and Inspire Team October 23/24
Cross Country Finalists Wythenshawe Park November 23/24 
Girls Excel and Inspire Team November 23/24
Maybe one day children!! Y4 MCFC Festival 23/24
Y4 MCFC Festival 23/24
Girls Inspire and Excel Football Team September 23/24
Cross Country Runners September 23/24 - Chorlton Park 
Y5 MCFC Festival 23/24
Y2 MCFC Festival 23/24
World Class Training Facilities - Fun times
4-0 Winners in the preliminary round football match
4-0 Winners in the preliminary round against St Anthony's
Football League win v WHGS to gain 2nd place in the league and qualify for the knockout stages


4x1 Over and Under Relay at the Athletics Regional Finals 2024 

Files to Download

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