


St Ambrose RC Primary School - Geography Curriculum 

 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1)

At  St Ambrose, we reflect the National Curriculum aims:

  • develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both terrestrial and marine – including their defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes
  • understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world, how these are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time
  • are competent in the geographical skills needed to:
    - collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes
    - interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
    - communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length

In this subject:

At St Ambrose, through the teaching of geography, children will use their understanding of the world  to develop aspirations to be future world changers. In looking at Geography from a local perspective, the children understand the world around them and their place within it.  As they move through the school, they begin to understand the impact of humans on society and develop their own sense of awareness on a local, national and global scale, revealing Christ and developing in the children they want to make change for the better.

Their understanding of geography will lend itself to highly confident and independent learners who can infer and deduce a greater deal of information and disseminate it in a range of ways. They will develop their knowledge of place and location, human and physical geography and fieldwork and encounter the work and achievements of some notable geographers. Through Catholic Social Teaching, each subject matter carefully develops a child’s knowledge to deepen their understanding and create critical thinkers.  The children will be self-aware of the world around them and the impact of change and advocate for greater social justice where there is inequality or negative change.   

The Geography curriculum has been designed around the requirements of the National curriculum in collaboration with external experts. We have carefully selected the areas of study to support the curriculum needs ensuring appropriate challenge and progression is provided across the year groups.The curriculum enables our children to broaden their social and cultural awareness. Carefully planned fieldwork opportunities allow the children to develop their local awareness and knowledge. 

Geography is taught as a discrete lesson with tangible links made to previous learning in other subjects, thus ensuring that there is no dilution of the learning.  Children can explore the importance of learning about the environment around them, the skills used for navigation and the importance of understanding it in a rapidly changing world. In looking at the conditions and processes of human and physical geography, children will develop an understanding of the environment and learn to respect it as their common home.  Children will come across cultural diversity and become aware of the lives of others in a diverse world, developing tolerance and respect for people of different countries and communities.

We measure the impact of the geography curriculum over time by assessing how much knowledge, skills and vocabulary have been acquired and retained. To inform these judgements, teachers use regular retrieval practices, knowledge organisers, pre and post-assessment tasks, marking and pupil discussion opportunities.

'In God's family, we grow and learn in love, hope and faith.'

Please see the knowledge and skills map below.

How can I support my child with geography?
The curriculum content may appear daunting, but don’t panic — you are already an accomplished geographer! Your daily life constantly provides you with rich geographical experiences, information and understanding. You think and act geographically, often without realising it. It comes naturally as you navigate your way around your home and neighbourhood, make sense of local and world news, respond to the weather forecast, and decide on a holiday location and how to get there.

When out and about in your local area, you can help your child geographically by talking about local physical features, attractions and activities. You might even like to develop this idea by asking them to provide a tourist guide for their local area for visiting relatives.

On a journey, you can share the road map or map phone app with your son or daughter so they can follow the route while you talk about where you are going. Alternatively, ask them to draw a map of their journey to school or the local shop, including any natural or man-made features along the way.

Holidays are an ideal opportunity to compare the location with their home area — you might ask your child to talk through five similarities and differences. Holidays also provide an opportunity for a museum visit or a trip to a tourist attraction.

Closer to home, use anything at your disposal! Magazines, TV, films and even some computer games can provide your child with a view of distant places. They enable your child to be transported instantly to another place. Prompt their thinking with questions: What might the weather be like in this place? Why might the road have been built where it is? The list of questions is endless and will lead to discussions that will help develop curiosity about and understanding of the world.

Home-learning Links and Ideas

Tour the world with google maps. Make sure you select the satellite settings to get a good look at the land use and different environments.,1.2741857,14z

Below there are files to download where you will find out more about what your child will be learning in Geography. Please also see their class webpage.


Files to Download

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